Mobile friendly


Mobile friendly

Mehul and I will present a really cool webinar on one of our new WebForms controls, the ASPxQueryBuilder. Though this control is in beta, it offers a really nice way to your end users to visually create all kinds of difficult sql-based queries on the datastore(s) made available to them. We will start by showing how the control works from an end-user perspective, and next, we will show what it takes to implement this control in your application. Finally we will show you a couple of things like restricting the amount of entities shown in the query builder.

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Nick Wed, Jul 03 2024

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec te errem ridens aeterno. Ei mea utinam incorrupte intellegebat, te sonet aliquando intellegebat nam, offendit theophrastus ea per.

Geert Wed, Jul 03 2024

Ut per alia constituto, vis amet adhuc quidam no, ea amet aeterno ceteros mea. Nec scriptorem adversarium id, dolorum elaboraret id sit. Novum ignota per ne, mel mollis verear ut. Id per integre periculis gubergren, eam aperiam apeirian menandri et.

John Wed, Jul 03 2024

Mollis vivendum in pro. Partem tritani cu duo, te cum antiopam consequuntur.